business intelligence
At the heart of your company lies your data. The "stuff" that provides you with knowledge about your organisation. Are we making a profit? Have we shipped our goods on time? Do we need to replenish stock? Which regions are the best and worst performers?
EnterpriseWorx provides you with these answers through Business Intelligence. We help you make sense of the "stuff", your data.
I want analytics!
Analytics, more than just the pretty reports you see. We have extensively serviced our client's analytical needs since we opened our doors nearly two decades ago!
We were the first QlikView implementation partners in 2010 and since then, became Power BI partners. Converting reports from Qlikview to Power BI we have managed to bridge the gap to ensure that your reporting structure are scalable and resilient.
With reporting and analytics, we provide you with a near-real-time view of your business. Why spend hours upon hours trying to get Excel to work and, on top of that, have a single error cost you thousands?
Reporting and analytics should be based on the KPIs you select, and the tool does everything else for you in minutes and not hours. Just click the year you want, and the province and the tool calculates everything else for you.
Become an industry leader with near-real-time reporting at your fingertips and make business decisions, fast and informed.
AaaS - RetailWorx
An all-encompassing Retail Reporting tool provides you with critical insight into your retail environment with near real-time analytics into your active environment.
Sales Performance
Product Performance
Supplier Performance
Store Performance
Customer Performance
Bespoke Analytics as a Service
We provide data insight to one of South Africa's prominent logistics companies. With critical insights into their logistics, you can easily determine whether your organisation is struggling or excelling.
Leadership, the courage to better shape the future through authenticity, delivering on our promises, and acknowledging our mistakes. Treating others with respect, dignity, empathy, to earn the respect of others.
Roles and Responsibilities
Risk per Location
Rule Details
Management of Segregation of Duties
Bespoke Data & Analytics
With a solution deployed at South Africas largest beverage manufacturer, we sync their data with one of our tools to provide trusted reporting on their dispersed SQL Environments.
Order Management
Inventory Management
Performance Tracking
financial solutions
AaaS - FinWorx
From accounting to insurance, our BI solutions assist everyone in the financial sector. With solutions deployed at major banks and insurance companies, we provide you with critical insight and accurate, trusted reporting.
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Budgets & Forecast
Drilldown into Submodule
AaaS- HRWorx
We provide the necessary insights into key business metrics and monitoring of trends allowing end-users to quickly determine points of concern, but also show distinct areas of the business that have excelled.
Employee analysis
Active & Inactive Employees
Successful & Unsuccessful Candidates
Gender Analysis
Tenure Achievements
HR Health Analysis etc.